Day 3: Stepping out
Check in: What do you want to cultivate?
Hosted by Cisco and Catherine
Process design
We learned about achitecture and processes for designing and harvesting conversations and projects that matter
- The simplest form - need, purpose and a powerful question
- The 8 breaths of design
- The Chaordic Stepping Stones
Designing for wiser action
Community engagement for the Yogi Art school
Nicole Next Wise Steps
Bringing Participatory Leadership into three levels of Video Volunteers - Goa core team, state offices and community correspondents
Jessica Next Wise Steps
Two loops theory
Meta-harvest: The Song of the Eagle Soaring
Here is an audio recording of Sukhmani singing, and Jane offering a meta-harvest of our three days together
The Song of the Eagle Soaring
The Song of the Eagle Soaring
Closing circle and check out: What has bloomed in you?